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Climate Change in Central Asia

Impacts on Lives and Livelihoods

Climate Change in Central Asia

Public Lecture Series

All indications are that mountain regions and regions at high latitude are experiencing enhanced rates of rising temperatures, climatic perturbations and melting snow cover, with predicted adverse effects on biodiversity, and on local populations and their livelihoods. This series of talks brings together the work of archaeologists, historians, geographers, and anthropologists to discuss available evidence for environmental change in Central Asia and Siberia, changing government policies to manage the productive capacities of the region, and how local people are adapting to the seasonal shifts and water shortages in attempting to manage resources, maintain traditional productive systems and sustain their cultures in times of radical economic, political, and social change.

2016–17 Series Schedule:

October 28, 2016
The Climatic Contexts of Trans-Himalayan Population Movements: 3000-1500 Years Ago
Mark Aldenderfer, UC Merced

January 26, 2017
Film Screening: Losing Ground
Bradley Rappa, Ithaca College

2015–16 Series Schedule:

November 12, 2015
Climate Change and Human Colonization of the Northern Tibetan Plateau
Jeffrey Brantingham, UCLA

February 11, 2016
Knowledge of and Vulnerability to Climate Change among Pastoralists in Central Tibet
Emily Yeh, University of Colorado Boulder

February 25, 2016
Integrating Local Knowledge with Ecosystem Science to Understand the Causes and Consequences of Environmental Change in Tibet
Kelly A. Hopping, Stanford University

Photo credit: Jan Reurink, "Snow Mountain Landscape of Tibet" (via Flickr)


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Published: Thursday, August 13, 2015