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Existing scholarship on the relationship between government and nonprofit sector in China has been limited to two conventional dyadic views, namely conflicting or contingent. However, this relationship is much more complex and dynamic. In this presentation, Professor Ma will provide a network perspective on this relationship through three empirical studies: analyzing the board interlocking relationship between charitable foundations to illustrate the tension between state power and elite autonomy in the Chinese nonprofit sector; examining the government grant and foundation board interlocking network to demonstrate how government sponsorship can be redistributed within the nonprofit sector through social relations; and exploring the party-state’s strategy of embeddedness in Chinese nonprofits.

Dr. Ji Ma is an assistant professor in nonprofit and philanthropic studies at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and the RGK Center at the University of Texas, Austin. He is also an affiliated faculty member of the Center for East Asian Studies and the School of Information at UT Austin. His research and teaching focus on state-civil society relationship, knowledge production, and computational social science methods, with an emphasis on nonprofits and philanthropy.

This free public lecture is part of the Global Chinese Philanthropy Research and Training Program and made possible with the support of the Cyrus Tang Foundation.

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Duration: 01:07:24




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Language: en

00:00:32.760 --> 00:00:38.760

Good afternoon, good evening, and good 

morning from Asia. Welcome, welcome to  

00:00:38.760 --> 00:00:46.200

the UCLA Asia Pacific Center Global Chinese 

Philanthropy public lecture series. My name is  

00:00:46.200 --> 00:00:51.720

Min Zhou. I am the Distinguished Professor 

of Sociology and Asian American Studies,  

00:00:51.720 --> 00:00:59.040

Walter and Shirley Wang Endowed Chair in U.S 

China Relations and Communications, and Director  

00:00:59.040 --> 00:01:09.000

of the Asia Pacific Center at UCLA. Today's public 

lecture is by Professor Ji Ma of the University of  

00:01:09.000 --> 00:01:15.060

Texas at Austin on the relationship between the 

government and the non-profit sector in China.  

00:01:15.780 --> 00:01:22.620

Before starting today's program, I would 

like to say a few words about the Center  

00:01:24.180 --> 00:01:33.480

I serve as director. The UCLA Asia Pacific Center 

promotes greater knowledge and understanding of  

00:01:33.480 --> 00:01:41.160

Asia and the Pacific region on campus and in the 

community. Through Innovative research, teaching  

00:01:41.160 --> 00:01:51.420

public programs, and international collaborations, 

we focus on Asian and trans-Pacific connections  

00:01:51.420 --> 00:02:00.300

from historical, contemporary, and comparative 

perspectives and encourage interdisciplinary  

00:02:00.300 --> 00:02:07.440

work on cross-border and supra-national 

issues on language and culture, politics,  

00:02:07.440 --> 00:02:14.940

economy, and society and the sustainability 

in ongoing processes of globalization.  

00:02:16.380 --> 00:02:23.280

Our Center runs the Taiwan Studies program, the 

program on Central Asia, and the Global Chinese  

00:02:23.280 --> 00:02:30.180

Philanthropy Research and Training program and 

we are trying to raise funds to rejuvenate our  

00:02:30.180 --> 00:02:40.260

Hong Kong studies program. We serve as the 

U.S. Department of Education Title VI East  

00:02:40.260 --> 00:02:47.220

Asia National Research Center and the Foreign 

Languages and Area Studies FLAS Fellowship.  

00:02:47.940 --> 00:02:58.860

We also have other fellowships. We also provide a 

range of fellowships and small grants to support  

00:02:58.860 --> 00:03:08.280

UCLA faculty students including the Taiwan Studies 

faculty including the Taiwan Studies fellowship  

00:03:09.120 --> 00:03:18.240

the J. Yang fellowships, Wagatsume 

fellowships, and Steiner fellowships.  

00:03:18.240 --> 00:03:26.640

Our center's Global Chinese Philanthropy Research 

Teach and Training Program is built on the Global  

00:03:26.640 --> 00:03:34.500

Chinese Philanthropy Initiative funded by the 

Long Family Foundation, now funded by the Cyrus  

00:03:34.500 --> 00:03:42.300

Tang Foundation. The current GCP program aims 

at integrating network building research and  

00:03:42.300 --> 00:03:49.380

training to bridge intellectual inquiry and 

professional practices in the field of GCP.  

00:03:50.220 --> 00:03:59.400

We aim at fostering passion, interests, 

volunteerism, stimulating innovative research,  

00:03:59.400 --> 00:04:08.880

and sharing with practices in GCP. Our GCP 

program includes three main components. First  

00:04:08.880 --> 00:04:15.000

is to maintain and expand our Global 

Chinese Philanthropy Research Network.  

00:04:15.600 --> 00:04:23.100

Second is to organize a quarterly public lectures 

series like this one. Today's lecture is the third  

00:04:23.100 --> 00:04:30.480

public lecture in the series this academic year. 

The first one was given by Dr. Marina Tan Harper  

00:04:30.480 --> 00:04:40.500

of UC Davis on Philanthropy Action of the Chinese 

Diaspora. The second one was by Professor Mark  

00:04:40.500 --> 00:04:51.120

Sidel of the University of Wisconsin Madison and 

the third one is this one. And then we will also  

00:04:51.120 --> 00:04:58.980

have our Annual Training Workshop. This is our 

third component. Our Training Workshop is designed  

00:04:58.980 --> 00:05:06.960

for undergraduate and graduate students in and 

from China with the primary focus on inspiring  

00:05:06.960 --> 00:05:15.480

their minds, fostering interests, and nurturing 

the culture of philanthropy and civic engagement.  

00:05:17.400 --> 00:05:24.360

So we will have our training workshop 

with a panel discussion on Thursday  

00:05:24.360 --> 00:05:31.020

June 8th. So please visit our website and 

watch out for our email announcements.  

00:05:31.860 --> 00:05:40.320

Our GCP program is led by UCLA Asia Pacific 

Center. We currently have eight institutional  

00:05:40.320 --> 00:05:49.860

partners in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, 

Malaysia, and the United States, and will welcome  

00:05:49.860 --> 00:05:56.520

other institutions in the U.S China and 

other parts of the world to partner with us.

00:06:01.200 --> 00:06:06.840

Together we want to promote and develop 

the view of global Chinese philanthropy.  

00:06:07.800 --> 00:06:14.820

Now please keep yourself muted at all times. If 

you have any questions or comments please write  

00:06:14.820 --> 00:06:21.660

them down briefly in the Q&A box after the 

presentation. I'm going to select questions  

00:06:21.660 --> 00:06:30.000

for Professor Ma. The event will end at 

6:00 PM but if we have more questions we  

00:06:30.000 --> 00:06:39.960

could extend it until 6:15 pm today. Now is my 

great pleasure to introduce Professor Ji Ma.  

00:06:41.040 --> 00:06:47.820

Professor Ma received his Ph.D. in 

philanthropic studies from Indiana University  

00:06:49.680 --> 00:06:55.920

and he is currently assistant professor 

in non-profit and philanthropic studies  

00:06:55.920 --> 00:07:03.060

at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Aublic 

affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.  

00:07:03.960 --> 00:07:10.800

He is also an affiliated faculty member at 

the Center for East Asian Studies and School  

00:07:10.800 --> 00:07:19.980

of Information at UT Austin. His main areas 

of research and teaching focus on State Civil  

00:07:19.980 --> 00:07:28.020

Society relationship knowledge production and 

computational social science methods with an  

00:07:28.020 --> 00:07:36.600

emphasis on non-profits and philanthropy. 

Professor Ma today will talk about China's  

00:07:36.600 --> 00:07:43.500

non-profit sector and the relationship between 

states and non-profits. So without further ado,  

00:07:43.500 --> 00:07:49.980

let's welcome Professor Ji Ma. 

Professor Ma, please go ahead.

00:07:49.980 --> 00:07:55.080

Thank you very much, thank you very so 

much. Professor Zhou and the Asian Centers.  

00:07:55.080 --> 00:08:02.820

UCLA, it is my great honor to be here to present 

something I know a little bit about to share  

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some of my studies and some of 

the knowledge on this topic.

00:08:08.280 --> 00:08:15.240

Okay, so everything's fine with the shared screen.

00:08:19.380 --> 00:08:21.300

Yes, everything is fine.

00:08:21.300 --> 00:08:26.880

Cool. So today I will focus on talking about 

the government and non-profit relations in China  

00:08:27.720 --> 00:08:32.280

especially focusing on the network perspective. 

The reason for focusing on the network perspective  

00:08:32.280 --> 00:08:39.240

is, I think it's a kind of general trend and I 

will elaborate on this later, but first a few  

00:08:41.700 --> 00:08:45.780

conceptual definitions and distinctions. 

I want to clarify the very beginning.  

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although I don't think I will be able to make a 

very clear distinction between them. But I just  

00:08:55.800 --> 00:09:03.120

want to give people a sense. We should be aware of 

these differences and sometimes they're related,  

00:09:03.120 --> 00:09:08.760

they are different but sometimes they are 

interchangeable, sometimes they are not. So many  

00:09:08.760 --> 00:09:13.980

concepts and definitions vary by discipline. They 

vary by discipline and background disciplinary  

00:09:13.980 --> 00:09:18.420

background and the context for example non-profit. 

Sometimes we call them non-permanations  

00:09:18.420 --> 00:09:23.640

non-profit sector but sometimes we call them 

non-governmental organizations like NGOs as well.  

00:09:24.720 --> 00:09:29.760

Sometimes you even call it civil society. 

Sometimes there are when you read a paper, they  

00:09:29.760 --> 00:09:37.800

are interchangeable in the paper so, and sometimes 

there is also another definition clarification  

00:09:37.800 --> 00:09:44.220

about government party-state, right? So since 

China is a one-party state, the government and  

00:09:44.220 --> 00:09:48.120

the party are tightly connected with each 

other. Sometimes when we talk about State  

00:09:48.780 --> 00:09:55.920

it refers to the government and party. Sometimes 

people like to use party-state altogether. Just be  

00:09:55.920 --> 00:10:03.780

aware of their of these definitions. Most of the 

time we can use them according to the context that  

00:10:03.780 --> 00:10:10.260

we can change them. Throughout the presentation, 

I will primarily use government and non-profit  

00:10:10.260 --> 00:10:17.400

relations because this term is more concrete 

and more from a functional perspective. It's  

00:10:17.400 --> 00:10:26.520

more concrete, right, they can have political 

or sociological implications but the term here  

00:10:26.520 --> 00:10:34.500

we are using is more concrete. There are a few 

waves of paradigms from the English scholarship  

00:10:34.500 --> 00:10:42.600

about the series. Theoretical paradigms about the 

relationship between government and non-profit.  

00:10:42.600 --> 00:10:48.660

The first paradigm is a conflicting paradigm. 

It just originally from the early 1990s.  

00:10:49.860 --> 00:10:56.700

As you can see it's just after the Tiananmen 

Square Incident. So at that moment,  

00:10:56.700 --> 00:11:04.860

the prediction about China's Civil Society 

is pretty pessimistic. This perspective,  

00:11:04.860 --> 00:11:10.080

all these sociological paradigms theorize the 

relationship between the state and Civil Society  

00:11:10.080 --> 00:11:16.320

is in direct conflict. And this is also a popular 

view about the relationship in Western countries.  

00:11:17.280 --> 00:11:22.020

It's not only about China but even about 

the Western countries. People try to use  

00:11:22.020 --> 00:11:27.360

these primary kinds of a cervical lens 

to examine the relationship between the  

00:11:27.360 --> 00:11:37.320

government and Civil Society. A second kind of 

theoretical paradigm emerged in the mid-200s.  

00:11:42.060 --> 00:11:48.780

So this kind of Paradigm is called Contingent 

Paradigm. So in this Paradigm nonprofits are  

00:11:48.780 --> 00:11:55.620

treated as service arms of the state. So you see 

there are more possibilities for these non-profits  

00:11:55.620 --> 00:12:04.740

to grow. There is more room for them to grow. They 

are not totally dictated by the government and  

00:12:04.740 --> 00:12:10.920

their position is not in a totally conflicting 

position with the government as well. However,  

00:12:10.920 --> 00:12:18.180

although they have rooms to survive, their 

survival was seen as contingent upon them focusing  

00:12:18.180 --> 00:12:24.840

on non-politically sensitive areas so they 

have to be focusing on those areas that are not  

00:12:24.840 --> 00:12:29.880

very clinically sensitive. If it is politically 

sensitive, the government will censor them. We all  

00:12:30.600 --> 00:12:35.400

give them a lot of pressure or assign government 

officials to their board members, right. So  

00:12:35.400 --> 00:12:40.680

there are many ways and there are to control 

these sensitive numbers of these non-profits  

00:12:40.680 --> 00:12:47.700

working in a sensitive area like human rights. 

Yeah especially always think this contingent  

00:12:47.700 --> 00:12:55.800

Paradigm progress a little bit and gives more 

room support the non-profits to function.

00:12:57.900 --> 00:13:01.560

The third Paradigm, which I have 

been working on and focusing on,  

00:13:01.560 --> 00:13:10.380

is about Network Paradigm. So these originated in 

the late 2010s. These Paradigms give more focus  

00:13:10.380 --> 00:13:15.840

on the roles of nonprofits and it focuses 

on the mutual imbalance and interactions  

00:13:15.840 --> 00:13:22.260

between non-profits and the government. If you 

have been living in China, you will know that  

00:13:23.580 --> 00:13:28.860

in China there are a lot of interactions between 

non-profit founders, a number of nations, and  

00:13:28.860 --> 00:13:35.700

government employees. The government officials. So 

before coming to this Academia world, I actually  

00:13:35.700 --> 00:13:44.760

founded a non-profit focusing on Rural education 

in China in 2010. So at that moment, as a founder  

00:13:44.760 --> 00:13:52.500

of that nonprofit, I have a lot of interactions 

with the government and we also had a government  

00:13:52.500 --> 00:14:04.140

supervisor. So they give us the radio title pieces 

so you need those things to get everything done  

00:14:05.040 --> 00:14:09.540

and a lot of interesting interaction 

with them. It's not, in one word,  

00:14:10.320 --> 00:14:17.040

it's not that kind of a region, it's a more 

dynamic interaction between all these spaces.  

00:14:17.640 --> 00:14:26.040

Yeah, so that's all from the English word. 

So all these different perspectives from  

00:14:26.040 --> 00:14:32.640

the English scholarship. What about the domestic 

perspectives? There are many studies actually in  

00:14:32.640 --> 00:14:43.680

the early year 2000 but since then, the control 

of this kind, of research space is tight,  

00:14:43.680 --> 00:14:51.600

so it's not easy to get a lot of research down 

in on this topic since 2010. One of the very  

00:14:51.600 --> 00:14:57.480

influential articles on this topic in Chinese is 

a system of differential control, a Study of State  

00:14:57.480 --> 00:15:01.980

Society Relationship in Contemporary China. I 

guess many of them probably have already read  

00:15:01.980 --> 00:15:08.880

this paper written by Kan Xiao-huang and they 

actually have an English-translated version.

00:15:11.760 --> 00:15:20.220

So in this study, they try to frame that the 

government is using a kind of differentiated  

00:15:20.220 --> 00:15:27.060

strategy to control non-profits if they are 

working on public service like education,  

00:15:27.900 --> 00:15:32.160

not politically sensitive it's okay for them 

to do anything as long as they don't touch  

00:15:32.160 --> 00:15:38.580

the touch of the pre-quality sensitive issues for 

those number of nations working on, say advocacy.  

00:15:38.580 --> 00:15:45.960

They have a tighter control strategy so it's a 

differential control. The second study is about  

00:15:45.960 --> 00:15:51.120

control and support a study of two independent 

relationships between the state and the society  

00:15:51.120 --> 00:15:59.700

so here this paper cites the relationship between 

a government and non-profit as control but also  

00:15:59.700 --> 00:16:06.420

there are some supporting relationships as well. 

So you see there this study does not actually  

00:16:06.420 --> 00:16:12.600

does not theorize the relationship between the 

two actors in a directly conflicting position.  

00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:20.100

Another study is an interesting alignment and 

analytical framework for the state-society  

00:16:20.100 --> 00:16:25.500

relationship during China's transitional 

period so this paper is still authorized.  

00:16:25.500 --> 00:16:30.060

If the government wants to survive they need 

to align their interest with the government  

00:16:30.060 --> 00:16:34.500

and also sometimes the government will outline 

their interest uh with the nonprofit as well.  

00:16:34.500 --> 00:16:38.160

So if there is that alignment between the 

interests of the nonprofit and the government,  

00:16:38.160 --> 00:16:45.000

there will be more room for the non-public 

nations to survive and or even survive  

00:16:46.380 --> 00:16:51.960

like many of the educational nonprofits in China, 

they are doing really, really well. Like one  

00:16:51.960 --> 00:17:00.180

Foundation, right, so they are doing a lot of work 

in disaster relief, they're serving the public and  

00:17:00.180 --> 00:17:04.860

they are not working on many kinds of politically 

sensitive issues. So they are working great.  

00:17:07.740 --> 00:17:15.240

In general, we see this domestic perspective give 

more focus on the interactions give more focus  

00:17:15.240 --> 00:17:23.400

on complexities between the non-profit and the 

government. So some general Trends. Firstly is  

00:17:23.400 --> 00:17:30.180

context. I think one of the general Trends 

in recent studies on this topic is they're  

00:17:30.180 --> 00:17:37.260

rejecting simplified and dynamic views about the 

relationship. They're also emphasizing the nuances  

00:17:37.260 --> 00:17:46.200

and interactions and complexities of methods. 

Originally the first wave of a study you see  

00:17:46.200 --> 00:17:53.700

most of the Articles, they are conceptual pieces, 

and then it progressed to testing pre-core but  

00:17:53.700 --> 00:18:03.120

simplified hypotheses. So many of the studies were 

published in the year 2000. Around the year 2000,  

00:18:03.120 --> 00:18:09.540

they are in paper studies but the hypotheses in 

those studies are very simple and they are using  

00:18:09.540 --> 00:18:17.340

some simple case studies. I call these simple 

cases not because they are case studies. They are  

00:18:17.340 --> 00:18:22.800

simple but they are using simple case studies. 

They just want to make that clarification here  

00:18:25.560 --> 00:18:30.180

and then it progressed to studying the 

interactions and the complexities with  

00:18:30.180 --> 00:18:37.620

formal methods such as network analysis. Also, 

there are more studies using in-depth qualitative  

00:18:37.620 --> 00:18:45.960

or quantitative studies. Either case studies 

or large-scale surveys or using archival data  

00:18:47.040 --> 00:18:53.340

and also data availability become much much 

better than 10 years ago. There are many  

00:18:53.340 --> 00:18:59.580

platforms that now release all the non-profit 

annual reports and those annual reports can be  

00:19:00.240 --> 00:19:08.940

scraped by these researchers for research 

purposes. So today I will present three  

00:19:08.940 --> 00:19:17.700

studies. Three previous studies I published in the 

past five years all from a Network perspective.  

00:19:17.700 --> 00:19:22.440

So the personal study is a state power and 

elite autonomy in a networked Civil Society.  

00:19:24.180 --> 00:19:29.400

Let me use a laser pen here. The 

board interlocks Chinese nonprofits.  

00:19:29.400 --> 00:19:34.020

So a few findings from the study. The first one is 

that Chinese foundations have connected together  

00:19:34.020 --> 00:19:39.900

by sharing board members in a structural parallel 

to what is said in corporate corporations in the  

00:19:39.900 --> 00:19:46.560

United States and Europe. This is not surprising 

but it's the first time we see this. We have some  

00:19:46.560 --> 00:19:52.200

evidence about it. The second Advantage is the 

board interlocking leads to the emergency release  

00:19:52.200 --> 00:19:58.920

groups associated with a business, with privileged 

and autonomous Network oppositions so all those  

00:19:58.920 --> 00:20:05.280

Networks, all those Elite groups have autonomy in 

the network and also many of these groups stay led  

00:20:05.280 --> 00:20:10.740

by business events. Certain findings of government 

officials are much less common in these Elite  

00:20:10.740 --> 00:20:20.760

groups of Foundations. Actually, they are actually 

excluded from this number. In these groups,  

00:20:20.760 --> 00:20:26.340

we will see some of the improved oil say some 

data the emergence of this structural autonomous  

00:20:26.340 --> 00:20:31.200

sphere is associated with major political and 

social events in the state Society relationship.

00:20:34.800 --> 00:20:41.580

So what is a board interlocking network? First 

some background about the research setting. Okay,  

00:20:41.580 --> 00:20:49.320

so we have all these boards here all these boys 

about comedy and they're uh connected. They have  

00:20:49.320 --> 00:20:56.220

some board members serving on this board, 

right? So we can draw a network graph like  

00:20:56.220 --> 00:21:01.260

this with the board here and the bottom number 

here, right? So through sharing board members,  

00:21:01.260 --> 00:21:09.360

if we're just focusing on Boeing 3M Manpower and 

this MGM, we can redraw this graph as a kind of a  

00:21:09.360 --> 00:21:16.500

boarding clocking Network. This is a transcribed 

Network graph like Boeing and Manpower. They are  

00:21:16.500 --> 00:21:22.740

connected through this board member and also MGM 

is connected to Manpower through this bar member.  

00:21:22.740 --> 00:21:31.020

However, MGM and Manpower are not connected 

because the two companies do not share board  

00:21:31.020 --> 00:21:37.440

members right. So why this is important? Because 

boards of multiple relations, share members in  

00:21:37.440 --> 00:21:43.680

common and then they will share values and it is 

also possible for them to solve the coordination  

00:21:43.680 --> 00:21:51.420

problems in this in a decentralized patient right 

also there are plenty of studies on business and  

00:21:51.420 --> 00:21:58.740

corporations but a number of offices and not a lot 

of them. So in an authoritarian country in country  

00:21:58.740 --> 00:22:04.320

like China, we can expect that this kind of board 

interlocking network has political implications.  

00:22:06.000 --> 00:22:10.200

There are two questions. For example, they can be 

utilized by the state to control the non-profit  

00:22:10.200 --> 00:22:15.060

sector, right. So they can assign government 

officials to the sport and makeup and they can  

00:22:15.060 --> 00:22:19.440

assign other government officials on this board 

right. So they try they can assemble a network and  

00:22:19.440 --> 00:22:25.260

they can utilize networks to efficiently 

co-opt or control the non-profit space.  

00:22:25.980 --> 00:22:31.620

However, as I said before, the number of nations 

is not a passive reaction right. They can also  

00:22:31.620 --> 00:22:38.100

utilize these government officials as assess 

points to power assess points to the political  

00:22:38.880 --> 00:22:49.800

arena. Otherwise, they have no approach to assess 

those political spaces right. So they can also be  

00:22:49.800 --> 00:22:57.180

utilized by nonprofits to reduce state control. T 

has published a paper in 2018 I shoot that paper  

00:22:57.720 --> 00:23:04.080

before you can. When you get the slides, you can 

take a look at that paper published in governance  

00:23:04.080 --> 00:23:13.680

and talk about how these non-profits actively 

use these political Elites as sales points to  

00:23:13.680 --> 00:23:20.400

political power which is a fascinating study. 

So some evidence about the claims of the body  

00:23:20.400 --> 00:23:25.260

interlocking network of Chinese foundations. 

There is a network like this so all these nodes  

00:23:25.260 --> 00:23:30.120

in this network are foundations node size 

represents PageRank. You can think of the  

00:23:30.120 --> 00:23:34.620

page rank as the important when you talk about 

the importance. There are many ways to Define. I  

00:23:34.620 --> 00:23:39.840

will skip the details but a way we can measure 

the importance of the node in the network.  

00:23:41.760 --> 00:23:51.660

The node color represents community so there are 

all these blue colors all these light blue colors.  

00:23:51.660 --> 00:23:56.940

They represent some of the Nations, they are in 

the same Community, they're in the same camp.

00:23:59.820 --> 00:24:06.780

So what we can get from this graph. Some 

statistics here. So here we present all these  

00:24:06.780 --> 00:24:13.380

in clusters and this size means that how many 

nodes are there in one of the clusters? And also  

00:24:13.380 --> 00:24:19.080

the average degree measure they are connectedness. 

So if the degree is higher being there on average.  

00:24:19.080 --> 00:24:27.120

Each node, for example. So in this cluster one, 

there are 91 nodes in cluster one and on average  

00:24:27.120 --> 00:24:34.380

each node has about 5.4 connections with each 

other, right or with other nodes and the page rank  

00:24:34.380 --> 00:24:41.220

percentage is about 11. And the government which 

means their importance if you compare the number  

00:24:41.220 --> 00:24:47.040

with others you will see the central cluster. The 

largest cluster is very important in terms of page  

00:24:47.040 --> 00:24:55.140

ranking and their government presence is low, they 

only have about 2.1 percent government credits.  

00:24:57.120 --> 00:25:09.780

As you see, if we see these clusters as the 

Clusters grow or diminish not grow, as a cluster  

00:25:09.780 --> 00:25:15.720

size diminishes, most of the Clusters will be 

in the peripheral positions on this network  

00:25:15.720 --> 00:25:21.780

and we see their connectedness decreasing, 

their importance is decreasing. However,  

00:25:21.780 --> 00:25:28.260

their governance presence is increasing, which 

means if we take the reversal logic is mean which  

00:25:28.260 --> 00:25:33.840

means in the center of the network, actually, 

there are low credits of common officials but  

00:25:33.840 --> 00:25:38.640

in the periphery of the network there are 

a high presence of the government officials  

00:25:40.080 --> 00:25:45.180

which we can say possibly say government 

officials are marginalized in this network.

00:25:47.760 --> 00:25:52.740

So let's run some statistics, and run some 

regression. There are probably some kind  

00:25:52.740 --> 00:25:58.560

of confounding variables right. So uh what 

we can do is we can put those invulnerable,  

00:25:58.560 --> 00:26:06.060

those alternative examinations into a regression 

model and see how the government officials perform  

00:26:06.060 --> 00:26:11.700

right. So this network, I omitted some of 

the control variables, I just assure you  

00:26:11.700 --> 00:26:16.440

the independent variable over here, are this 

current government official and the retired  

00:26:16.440 --> 00:26:24.780

senior government official on board. These are the 

variables we use to operationalize state power. We  

00:26:24.780 --> 00:26:30.000

are using two data sets here. One is reporting 

data set from my annual report because of the  

00:26:30.000 --> 00:26:36.300

accuracy issue we're also hand-coding manually 

coding some of the subset data set to try to  

00:26:36.300 --> 00:26:42.780

verify and try to do a robustness test. So from 

this there, we are using the presence they say  

00:26:42.780 --> 00:26:49.080

power to predict the connectedness of nodes in the 

network, in different networks, public networks,  

00:26:49.080 --> 00:26:56.160

and non-public Networks. There are two types 

of organic foundations in China: non-public the  

00:26:56.160 --> 00:27:00.720

non-public foundations in China sometimes. They 

were called private foundations but they are not  

00:27:01.320 --> 00:27:06.120

the private foundations that we are talking about 

in the United States. They are non-public because  

00:27:06.120 --> 00:27:13.620

they are not allowed to do public fund ratings 

so that's why they are called non-public and most  

00:27:13.620 --> 00:27:21.780

of these non-profit Nations are foundations. They 

are organized by those business leads, thank you.  

00:27:22.380 --> 00:27:28.860

So what we can get from these results, you see 

the common official, have a negative coefficient  

00:27:28.860 --> 00:27:37.380

which means there are more common officials on the 

board of Foundations. The foundation will be less  

00:27:37.380 --> 00:27:43.500

connected in the network right especially this is 

especially true for the non-public foundations.  

00:27:44.580 --> 00:27:54.360

The network is a network organized by non-common 

foundations for the public network. We see some  

00:27:54.360 --> 00:28:01.740

signal from the reporting data set because there 

are more data points here so for the public that  

00:28:01.740 --> 00:28:07.200

most of them are government control relations so 

it's not surprising but here we get some direct  

00:28:07.200 --> 00:28:12.480

evidence to show you the non-public foundations 

are preferentially excluding these current  

00:28:12.480 --> 00:28:16.620

government officials from the highest degree 

notes even when controlling for other variables.  

00:28:18.420 --> 00:28:25.620

So next we want to see how these kind 

of influenced how these coefficients  

00:28:25.620 --> 00:28:32.700

are influenced by some historical event. We select 

several events in the past two decades. One is the  

00:28:32.700 --> 00:28:40.200

TMS Square per test. The second one is a fourth 

world conference on Women which was assembled  

00:28:40.200 --> 00:28:46.980

which was organized in 1995. In 2004, there is 

the first regulation on management foundations.  

00:28:46.980 --> 00:28:53.640

This is the first regulation on how to establish a 

foundation which means now there's a way everyone  

00:28:53.640 --> 00:29:01.800

has the possibility to establish a foundation 

of Their Own. In 2008, after the earthquake,  

00:29:02.880 --> 00:29:08.820

a lot of non-profits in China, 

self-organized to help with disaster relief.  

00:29:09.900 --> 00:29:19.680

So the last one is the 12th Five-Year Plan, this 

kind of national plan dictates the development  

00:29:19.680 --> 00:29:25.080

of the entire country for the next five 

years in social, economic, and political,  

00:29:25.080 --> 00:29:32.640

all kinds of areas in Chinese. We say so for 

this Five-Year Plan one of the most important  

00:29:32.640 --> 00:29:37.200

kinds of policy planning tools in China 

right now. So for the 12th Five-Year Plan,  

00:29:37.200 --> 00:29:43.800

there is one entire chapter talking about social 

management Innovation as a key government Target.

00:29:45.480 --> 00:29:51.480

So still here we have this regression 

here we see this negative coefficient  

00:29:51.480 --> 00:29:57.540

here right. So if we visualize 

this negative coefficient by year,  

00:29:57.540 --> 00:30:05.760

then we can see how these coefficients have 

been evolving in the past two decades right.  

00:30:05.760 --> 00:30:13.440

So what we can see here like this blue color, 

this blue coefficient here which is the common  

00:30:13.440 --> 00:30:24.180

officials on non-public foundations is to become 

significantly negative so it is after, you see,  

00:30:24.180 --> 00:30:31.800

after 2004 after the first regulation on how 

to establish foundations. The two coefficients  

00:30:31.800 --> 00:30:40.380

start to diverge, right, start to diverge 

after this is this trend is very obvious  

00:30:44.700 --> 00:30:55.080

after 2008 the earthquake, and then when progress 

through the year 12th Five-Year Plan you see it's  

00:30:55.080 --> 00:31:03.360

very obvious for government officials to be 

excluded in non-public Networks and for those  

00:31:04.020 --> 00:31:10.560

government officials more likely to be on the 

public network right. So it's the Divergence  

00:31:10.560 --> 00:31:19.140

here is very obvious and they are connected to 

many of the important historical events here.

00:31:23.340 --> 00:31:28.260

So second study. The first study talks 

about the relationship from the structural  

00:31:28.260 --> 00:31:34.440

perspective. The second study talks about, I 

was trying to understand how the results flow  

00:31:35.280 --> 00:31:40.200

between the government and non-profit 

relations. So this study considers  

00:31:40.200 --> 00:31:45.300

the effects of common accounting on 

nonprofits from a network perspective.  

00:31:46.020 --> 00:31:51.960

I found a substantial crosswise crowding in 

effect at the ego Network level and an increase  

00:31:51.960 --> 00:31:57.900

of one Chinese yuan in government funding to 

non-profits neighbor organizations in both  

00:31:57.900 --> 00:32:03.420

interlocking Networks can increase the private 

giving choose a nonprofit by 0.4 Chinese Yuan  

00:32:03.420 --> 00:32:08.700

probably a little bit confusing here. What I'm 

talking about across wise what I'm talking about  

00:32:08.700 --> 00:32:14.460

the neighboring I will elaborate on that later. 

So what is crowding out the private donation?

00:32:17.220 --> 00:32:22.680

Here we see conventionally see the government 

gives money to a non-profit Nation right  

00:32:22.680 --> 00:32:28.020

and as a private donor I would say, okay this 

number of nations get funded from the government  

00:32:28.020 --> 00:32:33.900

and already paid tax for the paid tax to a 

government right so why do I need to still  

00:32:33.900 --> 00:32:40.260

give to the non-profit since the non-profit is 

already supported by me through tax right. So  

00:32:40.260 --> 00:32:46.380

this kind of economic assumption about the 

crowding out effect of government funding.  

00:32:47.220 --> 00:32:55.260

In theory, every one-dollar government gave to 

the non-profit will crowd out one dollar private  

00:32:55.260 --> 00:33:01.560

giving that's, in theory, a lot of improved 

studies say it's not a one-to-one crowding out  

00:33:02.760 --> 00:33:07.920

relationship. This is a conventional 

idea about the relationship here right.  

00:33:08.460 --> 00:33:12.720

It is not considered a social relationship. 

However, if we're considering social relations  

00:33:12.720 --> 00:33:17.760

the director crowding out relationships 

is still here right. But let's say  

00:33:24.900 --> 00:33:33.300

I will not give to the non-profit, but I will give 

to non-profit A and B right I shift my funding to  

00:33:33.300 --> 00:33:37.440

different number relations, to different number 

validations, right. I'm not as reducing my given  

00:33:37.440 --> 00:33:45.180

I just shifted my given to other non-publications. 

So this is how I know there are not five nations,  

00:33:45.180 --> 00:33:49.560

there are these nonfoundations that can be 

connected to some social relations like body  

00:33:49.560 --> 00:33:56.400

interlock right. They're sharing model members so 

if this kind of crosswise crowding or crowding out  

00:33:56.400 --> 00:34:03.960

is supported it means okay the funding can 

be redistributed through social relations.

00:34:09.900 --> 00:34:17.820

So here this graph is considering social 

relations. Now we have the two variables  

00:34:17.820 --> 00:34:23.220

and I'm studying this paper as direct 

crowding out and crosswise crowding out.

00:34:30.540 --> 00:34:31.980

Sorry about that.

00:34:34.980 --> 00:34:39.960

So next we need to use formal 

test to test these hypotheses.

00:34:44.520 --> 00:34:50.640

In this regression table, we are predicting 

the private donation to nonprofits  

00:34:51.180 --> 00:34:55.560

so here we are predicting the private 

donation nonprofits and the explanatory  

00:34:55.560 --> 00:34:59.880

variables are direct Government funding 

and also neighbor Government funding.  

00:35:01.200 --> 00:35:07.620

So for the three columns you see here is 

some baseline analysis. For this Baseline,  

00:35:07.620 --> 00:35:15.300

it's easy to run but the disadvantage of this 

Baseline there are more kinds of compounding  

00:35:15.300 --> 00:35:22.980

variables or alternative explanations here 

cannot be brought out for these three columns  

00:35:22.980 --> 00:35:29.820

we are using organizational-level fixed effect 

to run assets which means we can control more  

00:35:33.300 --> 00:35:40.320

component variables or a third part third-party 

variables or external variables which influence  

00:35:40.320 --> 00:35:44.940

the relationship between both direct to 

government confounding and our dependent variable.  

00:35:46.980 --> 00:36:00.480

Here these three columns are more robust foreign 

relationships between direct and government  

00:36:00.480 --> 00:36:07.020

funding on the private donation to nonprofits. 

Here this is negative, which means if Government  

00:36:07.020 --> 00:36:13.680

increases funding the private donation will 

decrease which is crowding out the effect  

00:36:13.680 --> 00:36:22.500

right but if we use a more robust analysis here 

we see that negative effector goes away right.

00:36:25.620 --> 00:36:31.380

This is our interest here the neighbor's 

government funding so which means as a  

00:36:31.380 --> 00:36:36.420

nation whether my neighbor in the nation 

getting are getting the government grant.  

00:36:36.420 --> 00:36:43.800

What's our neighbor animation so so if I am 

an organization is my neighbor organization  

00:36:43.800 --> 00:36:48.660

which means I am receiving a government 

grant right. So according to this Theory  

00:36:49.380 --> 00:36:56.460

I will as an organization a should be able to 

receive more private given because the private  

00:36:56.460 --> 00:37:02.160

giving donors will shift their given to me 

instead of giving to him because I already  

00:37:02.160 --> 00:37:05.160

received Government funding and if 

the donors know about that right.

00:37:07.860 --> 00:37:15.960

So let's see the relationship is positive 

which means if my neighbor organization that's  

00:37:15.960 --> 00:37:21.600

all Nation I receive Government funding as an 

alternation I will receive more private donation

00:37:26.280 --> 00:37:31.980

And the coefficient side is almost around 

0.4 right which means if my neighbor gets  

00:37:31.980 --> 00:37:40.380

one dollar from the government as a labor 

operation I will get about 0.4 dollar effect  

00:37:41.100 --> 00:37:45.840

I will get more I'll get 0.4 

more dollars than previously.

00:37:48.300 --> 00:37:58.800

So what we can see is we have direct evidence 

to see here that is a crosswise crowding out  

00:37:58.800 --> 00:38:06.060

across. In fact, this is crowding Inc because 

again moment right okay. The second study talks  

00:38:06.060 --> 00:38:11.340

about money and how this kind of resource flow 

through the network perspective. So the next study  

00:38:12.120 --> 00:38:20.100

um uh I was wondering okay there must be some 

political ideas um sitting um uh non-profit  

00:38:20.100 --> 00:38:28.020

board and they're also government officials right. 

So they are very important channels to negotiate  

00:38:28.020 --> 00:38:36.060

to communicate the two spaces. So that's my 

search study bridging State and nonprofit  

00:38:36.060 --> 00:38:41.040

differentiated in the business of Chinese politics 

at least in charitable foundations. It was in  

00:38:41.040 --> 00:38:46.260

this paper I was wondering how are politically 

disembedded in both civil and critical domains?

00:38:49.680 --> 00:38:54.360

The political Elites can build horizontal 

connections with foundations helping the  

00:38:54.360 --> 00:39:01.320

party State reach non-profit actors right 

especially for those government officials  

00:39:01.320 --> 00:39:09.000

they were assigned to the non-profit nations 

board they can be the common government's assess  

00:39:09.000 --> 00:39:14.220

points to the Civil Society and also they 

can also build a vertical connection with  

00:39:14.220 --> 00:39:20.460

the political groups helping foundations assess 

political resources right. So these number of  

00:39:20.460 --> 00:39:26.940

actors they can also utilize these political 

ideas through which political assistants  

00:39:28.440 --> 00:39:33.900

so we can call these political IDs they are 

doing really needs right because they are double  

00:39:33.900 --> 00:39:38.280

embedded. They are embedded in the non-profit 

sector and they are also embedded in a political  

00:39:38.280 --> 00:39:45.240

space. We can also theorize that they're connected 

in this with foundations and in poverty varies by  

00:39:45.240 --> 00:39:51.120

their primary positions in the political system 

which we can say Okay CCP members must be tightly  

00:39:51.120 --> 00:39:57.660

connected in both spaces because they are they 

try to keep the focus on everything right. So  

00:39:57.660 --> 00:40:05.880

that's our assumption let's see how it goes yeah 

so visually we can have this in mind here so here  

00:40:05.880 --> 00:40:10.980

this is a political Network right so all these 

nodes the application this this red node they  

00:40:10.980 --> 00:40:15.840

are tightly this window they tightly connected 

in the political Network and also the red node  

00:40:15.840 --> 00:40:21.960

the same node here and the non-profit Network 

they are also connected to other uh actors in  

00:40:21.960 --> 00:40:26.400

The non-profit Network and non-profit space so 

they are double embedded and they are dual relates  

00:40:27.960 --> 00:40:32.280

according to this we can have some a few 

typology of this Dura political release  

00:40:32.820 --> 00:40:39.000

so if if the political release they have strong 

in values in non-profit in a non-profit sector  

00:40:39.000 --> 00:40:45.780

they are State agents they are ideal State agents 

for assessing civil uh Civics resources so if they  

00:40:45.780 --> 00:40:51.480

have strong Connections in political space which 

is mean they are playing like evidence is wrong  

00:40:51.480 --> 00:40:58.200

they can serve as access points to the party state 

right so the number of Asians can utilize these uh  

00:40:58.200 --> 00:41:02.760

these political actors to assess the party 

state if they have weak Connections in the  

00:41:02.760 --> 00:41:08.460

non-profit in Badness uh number if they have weak 

non-profit business they are weak State agents  

00:41:08.460 --> 00:41:14.640

in non-profits if there are weak Connections in 

the political space they are ineffective access  

00:41:14.640 --> 00:41:20.940

points to political resources some examples 

here like uh State agents uh these this node  

00:41:22.260 --> 00:41:27.960

they have strong connection in the non-profit 

space right so the for the government they can  

00:41:27.960 --> 00:41:35.820

assess this non-profit world through this node 

so if they have they have they have uh they can  

00:41:35.820 --> 00:41:40.800

also have high kind of degree Connection 

in the political uh in Badness like this  

00:41:40.800 --> 00:41:45.840

node it is connecting the political Network so 

they can be utilized by non-profits to assess  

00:41:45.840 --> 00:41:51.780

the clinical power like this note there are weak 

Connections in non-profit work so you may not be  

00:41:51.780 --> 00:41:57.420

able to expect the um uh impact of a lot of work 

can be done by these nodes because they are weekly  

00:41:57.420 --> 00:42:03.900

connecting non-profit space and this uh this 

this node uh even they are embedded in clinical  

00:42:03.900 --> 00:42:09.000

Network you see this node is almost isolated from 

others so what you can expect from this node in  

00:42:09.000 --> 00:42:13.020

political Network almost nothing because they're 

isolated by themselves in the political Network

00:42:15.480 --> 00:42:16.200

some evidence

00:42:19.020 --> 00:42:24.300

surprisingly CCP is not connected it's 

not a kind of a embedded here so here  

00:42:24.300 --> 00:42:29.400

what I'm doing is I'm predicting the 

embedness in the nonprofit space and  

00:42:29.400 --> 00:42:35.460

in the political Space by Presidential uh 

by presidential terms like this is a who  

00:42:35.460 --> 00:42:39.900

uh toaster this is a shame in the 

term this is a political investors

00:42:39.900 --> 00:42:48.840

as well so my assumption here is that they are 

connected in this the connectedness of these  

00:42:48.840 --> 00:42:54.780

or these political Elites will vary by their 

primary positions in believable system because  

00:42:54.780 --> 00:42:59.220

you know not all the government officials 

are equally the same in the same space okay  

00:43:00.180 --> 00:43:06.660

so CCP is not surprisingly CCP is not entirely 

connected to both spaces in all presidential terms  

00:43:07.200 --> 00:43:11.400

well which which makes sense because the CCP 

cannot control everything although they expect  

00:43:11.400 --> 00:43:16.620

to conversate but if you see the chapters 

the official chapters uh the ccp's role is  

00:43:16.620 --> 00:43:21.300

try to lead but not control everything 

right and there are they are just more  

00:43:21.300 --> 00:43:27.120

nuanced ways to interact with Society instead 

of directly embedding themselves in the society  

00:43:27.720 --> 00:43:34.680

but for the uh cyl the China Young's League 

um China communist just living here they  

00:43:34.680 --> 00:43:39.420

are tightly connected in both terms they are 

tightly connecting a nonprofit a non-profit  

00:43:39.420 --> 00:43:45.300

sector but they are weekly connected or they are 

excluded from these political political uh World  

00:43:46.380 --> 00:43:50.100

um there are a lot of studies I will not 

mention them here so talking about the cyl  

00:43:50.100 --> 00:43:57.000

uh like the the as you probably know the 

time pay right the the cyr click the the  

00:43:57.000 --> 00:44:03.060

Communist youngsta Clique within the system right 

within the political system and in the political  

00:44:03.060 --> 00:44:08.160

system these cyl leaders they are excluded or 

they are marginalized in the political system  

00:44:09.480 --> 00:44:15.720

some other uh characters uh because of sacred time 

I just highlighted a few like a mass organization  

00:44:16.860 --> 00:44:20.160

um uh well see why I always mess on the 

nation but here the mass organizations  

00:44:20.160 --> 00:44:25.200

are referring to the Leica women 

Federation and those nominations  

00:44:26.880 --> 00:44:32.400

so they are not tightly connecting the political 

system uh during the whole period but during  

00:44:32.400 --> 00:44:41.280

experience we see um they are connected they're 

connected have increased become positive which um  

00:44:41.280 --> 00:44:47.820

also Echo some of the anecological evidence that 

she says she the president uh put a lot of efforts  

00:44:47.820 --> 00:44:56.880

on um on strengths the stress and the uh capacity 

of this massive relations also schools you see the  

00:44:56.880 --> 00:45:03.600

schools here uh it's positive during the she's 

time so you see as a some unevenola evidence  

00:45:03.600 --> 00:45:09.240

is about the schools are primarily they are 

University principles University principals these  

00:45:09.240 --> 00:45:14.100

universities principles they serve both in uh in 

the previous system and they also see down these  

00:45:14.100 --> 00:45:21.180

number of nations uh uh these foundations boards 

they are connectedness in the political space  

00:45:21.180 --> 00:45:31.260

became more significant positive in streaming's 

Era a notable example is is is a wahoo name who  

00:45:31.260 --> 00:45:36.180

what is a scholar right now is uh is a permanent 

member he's a member in the standing comedy right

00:45:37.800 --> 00:45:44.820

okay that's all my three studies uh I present uh 

for the comments number of relationship in China  

00:45:44.820 --> 00:45:50.580

I probably focus on the network protective from 

structure yeah using the paper title stay power  

00:45:50.580 --> 00:45:55.740

and Lita anatomy in a network of Civil Society 

the boarding clocking of Chinese nonprofits and  

00:45:55.740 --> 00:46:03.000

also I studied the resources founding nonprofits 

in the network Style Network Society toward the  

00:46:03.000 --> 00:46:08.880

network framework of government support and 

also people those purely these ranging State  

00:46:08.880 --> 00:46:13.080

and non-profit differentiated in business of 

Chinese deliveries in charitable foundations  

00:46:14.400 --> 00:46:21.540

a few final results on future studies why 

is about the context so um the reason I put  

00:46:21.540 --> 00:46:26.580

domestic and overseas Scholars here is because 

um sorry about that let's double check the  

00:46:27.900 --> 00:46:35.400

um the chat make sure I'm not going to be on time 

or some reminder here okay okay I'm not seeing any  

00:46:35.400 --> 00:46:43.560

uh warning here so I will keep it going so what's 

up the reason about domestic I overseas here is um  

00:46:44.640 --> 00:46:53.880

I haven't been down any research on China for 

a year or two years already since because I  

00:46:53.880 --> 00:46:59.160

have this kind of this this very kind of strong 

feeling since pandemic I haven't been uh went  

00:46:59.160 --> 00:47:06.960

back to China for about three years I feel I'm 

necessitative to the context to China right now so  

00:47:07.980 --> 00:47:12.900

um all those nuances I originally have a sense 

to have have a sense right now I don't have a  

00:47:12.900 --> 00:47:20.280

sense I feel very unconfident about doing 

research on China and also you see those  

00:47:20.280 --> 00:47:27.780

political Arrangements there they change a lot 

uh before after pandemic right after the uh the  

00:47:27.780 --> 00:47:31.620

last presidential change and not change 

that's Prudential quote-unquote election  

00:47:31.620 --> 00:47:39.420

so I don't have those kind of uh uh those 

those sense of nuances and contexts anymore  

00:47:40.560 --> 00:47:45.660

um I think this is kind of a dilemma especially 

for me as an overseas scholar who have been  

00:47:46.500 --> 00:47:52.080

um not living in that context for a while so I 

think this is very very important for domestic  

00:47:52.080 --> 00:47:57.840

Scholars who who who keep working on this topic 

or who will keep working on related topics as well  

00:47:57.840 --> 00:48:04.080

but as you probably many of you know that it is 

not a as free as what we can do here in the United  

00:48:04.080 --> 00:48:09.780

States on overseas so their research agenda 

that domestic Scholars research gender is not  

00:48:10.380 --> 00:48:17.760

um um it's not a um it's not as free as what 

we can do uh overseas right so that's a I I  

00:48:17.760 --> 00:48:24.900

really feel it's a kind of uh it's it's um as a 

Pity right so um yeah I have no I have no idea  

00:48:24.900 --> 00:48:31.320

about that I don't I don't I'm no way out for 

now I would love to hear more about um uh what  

00:48:31.320 --> 00:48:36.300

Professor Joe will uh share with us and watch 

you as an audience will share with me as well  

00:48:36.960 --> 00:48:42.000

um I think that's a kind of a dilemma for me right 

now the second thing is about messers so I think  

00:48:42.000 --> 00:48:48.420

it's very important to use these methods uh in 

an appropriate way and also novel methods like  

00:48:48.420 --> 00:48:53.520

those computational methods using this in this 

paper I just presented I probably use network  

00:48:53.520 --> 00:49:01.920

analysis message which is not new actually but 

it's novel on this topic so um there need to be  

00:49:01.920 --> 00:49:08.100

more researchers using more normal methods in an 

appropriate way um I think the property is very  

00:49:08.100 --> 00:49:14.520

important instead of normal novelty right so a 

proper ending this is uh is the first is it is a  

00:49:14.520 --> 00:49:20.400

highest principle here if the real question 

require case study we just do case study

00:49:20.400 --> 00:49:28.680

is I did a I did a field work in a 

rural Village uh before pandemic in  

00:49:28.680 --> 00:49:34.860

2019 I really get a lot of kind of uh 

sense of nuances in the rural Village

00:49:37.500 --> 00:49:41.280

um but then there's another pandemic then you 

have been disconnected from that community  

00:49:41.280 --> 00:49:47.400

and the context about three years um you 

you lose that kind of uh sensitivity so  

00:49:48.240 --> 00:49:51.240

um that's kind of a dilemma really 

real dilemma for me right now  

00:49:52.440 --> 00:49:58.200

last point is about data I think it's a great 

opportunity for us right now so there are the  

00:49:58.200 --> 00:50:03.300

data availability is substantially improved ten 

years ago if you found some data about Charlie  

00:50:03.300 --> 00:50:08.820

foundations almost nothing but right now there 

are so many data online um but I need to be in  

00:50:08.820 --> 00:50:16.200

good hands which means um Scholars need to have a 

substantive knowledge on local context and methods  

00:50:17.160 --> 00:50:26.580

um which I feel I'm gradually losing um on 

this front um okay this is among my uh the  

00:50:26.580 --> 00:50:32.640

references mentioned in this study and uh I 

would like to share this slice if you like you  

00:50:32.640 --> 00:50:37.380

can reach out to the organizers and uh look ask 

for the slides and thank you for your attention

00:50:39.720 --> 00:50:48.360

thank you so much Professor Jima for this 

very um empirically driven data-driven and  

00:50:48.360 --> 00:50:59.280

also theoretically grounded uh work and um and I I 

look forward to reading your articles more closely

00:51:02.040 --> 00:51:11.040

on that um so we have a few minutes right now 

we have eight minutes I think we could extend  

00:51:11.040 --> 00:51:19.320

our event for another five or ten minutes or 

so because I have a few questions and then  

00:51:19.320 --> 00:51:27.420

the audience also have questions let me um let 

me ask my questions actually at the conclusion  

00:51:27.420 --> 00:51:36.120

of your talk because you've shared a light on um 

the possibility of future research in developing  

00:51:36.120 --> 00:51:43.920

the view of Chinese philanthropy which is very 

important one is I share with you about your  

00:51:43.920 --> 00:51:54.300

dilemma of um you know doing research in China at 

the current time so could I assume that what you  

00:51:54.300 --> 00:52:03.060

have done so far is really based on the Golden 

Era of Chinese non-profit sector development you  

00:52:03.060 --> 00:52:14.580

know around the 2010s right so that was really the 

golden time between 2004 to 2000 probably 2011 or  

00:52:14.580 --> 00:52:25.380

12. um uh so so I I I you know when I'm not doing 

the kind of what you're doing I also run into the  

00:52:25.380 --> 00:52:34.800

dilemma I I do migration and development and 

there are stuff um also when you run into um uh  

00:52:34.800 --> 00:52:42.480

you know the local context that you feel that you 

know a lot but now you are losing knowledge and  

00:52:42.480 --> 00:52:49.980

um could you um you know I have two questions 

on that so one is what are you your research has  

00:52:49.980 --> 00:52:56.280

been done you what you have been presented 

is during the Chinese golden age and now  

00:52:57.240 --> 00:53:04.560

um you know any challenges when you are doing 

similar type of research and then the other  

00:53:04.560 --> 00:53:13.260

the other question is with the methods so you you 

use a very novel message now you also point out to  

00:53:13.260 --> 00:53:19.320

the appropriateness of the methods so could 

you shed more lights on the appropriateness  

00:53:19.920 --> 00:53:27.900

and then the third one is data so you like this 

is kind of a golden lining you said that there  

00:53:27.900 --> 00:53:34.500

are a lot of data available but it depends on your 

local knowledge and how to you know access to this  

00:53:34.500 --> 00:53:45.900

data so do you have a better way to try to access 

and also to any lessons for the local researchers  

00:53:45.900 --> 00:53:54.720

to access to local data rather than us overseas 

Scholars yeah uh sure um thanks for some of those  

00:53:54.720 --> 00:53:59.700

questions um the first one I would respond to 

is a kind of a one very specific research topic  

00:53:59.700 --> 00:54:04.380

in the future I actually have a very I have 

an interest to work on it but I don't have  

00:54:04.380 --> 00:54:11.100

um since sometimes you you as as a pre-tener I 

need to kind of diversify my investment right so I  

00:54:11.100 --> 00:54:16.980

actually I I probably have three kind of research 

streams one fade a little bit I I have work on the  

00:54:16.980 --> 00:54:22.140

other two research streams and there's one reason 

to speak a research topic on this on on This  

00:54:22.140 --> 00:54:30.060

research stream is about the party Branch so since 

she since she's time they uh the the the the party  

00:54:30.840 --> 00:54:36.540

um stress and the power of the party branch 

in all kinds of units in China especially in  

00:54:36.540 --> 00:54:44.940

non-profit Nations as well right so um I would 

really uh fascinated by how these party branches  

00:54:44.940 --> 00:54:52.680

functions as a kind of a connecting points so in 

that place part in the political Elites example  

00:54:52.680 --> 00:54:57.720

the last paper I studied the Duro Elites right 

they are people they are not institutionalized  

00:54:57.720 --> 00:55:06.660

but she's time he institutionalized this this 

these units right so they are institutions that  

00:55:06.660 --> 00:55:13.620

is more powerful than these these as these people 

the people here right so you know one One Thing  

00:55:13.620 --> 00:55:19.140

Once you institutionalize it is more powerful 

and it's more efficient to do something so  

00:55:19.740 --> 00:55:27.600

how these kind of party branches is working and uh 

what's an influence how how how it is manipulating  

00:55:27.600 --> 00:55:33.060

the two sides and probably manipulating is not the 

correct word but how to connect the two two spaces  

00:55:33.060 --> 00:55:37.260

is really fascinating and there are some data 

here because all these number of nations they  

00:55:37.260 --> 00:55:43.800

need to report their party their activities of 

their party branches so and they need to report  

00:55:43.800 --> 00:55:50.700

that in the in the public report um yeah this is 

a fascinating area I I would love to take a look  

00:55:51.420 --> 00:55:56.640

um this is not new but this is translated from the 

she's time the second response to the tooth data  

00:55:56.640 --> 00:56:03.780

is um I think the for the data first you need 

to know China you need to know how they work  

00:56:04.920 --> 00:56:13.020

um and you you need to know how people 

manipulating those numbers right um so um that's  

00:56:13.020 --> 00:56:18.600

kind of a context that nuances and sensitivity 

is really important which I'm uh gradually losing

00:56:21.240 --> 00:56:26.040

um but on the odd side uh everybody's 

very important is do some dirty work so  

00:56:26.040 --> 00:56:30.360

for this paper there's a data set for the 

database I clean a lot of data by myself  

00:56:31.320 --> 00:56:36.840

um just to go over each of the record and do those 

kind of a dirty work by myself it's very time  

00:56:36.840 --> 00:56:44.460

consuming but it's extremely helpful because since 

I have been working with this data directly I'm  

00:56:44.460 --> 00:56:51.540

very sensitive to the research topics to uh what 

kind of research questions this data can answer  

00:56:51.540 --> 00:56:56.640

what are those caveats what are those missing 

data what are the why those data I'm missing  

00:56:56.640 --> 00:57:05.220

so those caveats I know um I know better if I I I 

if I don't do those dirty work I will do nothing  

00:57:05.220 --> 00:57:10.140

about it so I think those dirty works is really 

really those Hands-On work is very important for  

00:57:10.140 --> 00:57:16.800

me uh which I can do even right now but uh still 

yeah I'm losing on the other hand right the the  

00:57:16.800 --> 00:57:24.420

the the the context the sensitivity about the 

Chinese context uh yeah that's um some of my  

00:57:24.420 --> 00:57:33.780

thoughts yeah that's good and I think how you um 

uh deal with data and then you know do your do  

00:57:33.780 --> 00:57:39.720

the Dirty Work do the Hands-On work by yourself 

that's very important because through doing it  

00:57:39.720 --> 00:57:47.820

even though it's tedious and yeah and also very 

time consuming work but it you know it helps you  

00:57:47.820 --> 00:57:57.360

understand the situation and also to make data um 

analyzable uh so that's that's uh that's great I I

00:57:59.040 --> 00:58:09.960

how to define appropriate right right right and my 

feeling is the formal kind of hypothesis testing  

00:58:09.960 --> 00:58:17.220

is really not a good way to do the research or 

sometimes even it is descriptive that's okay uh  

00:58:17.220 --> 00:58:21.300

because you know sometimes you in our field 

publishing General article is very important  

00:58:21.300 --> 00:58:26.520

right so a lot of Scholars get some data Maybe 

I'm not a lot of Scholars but some Scholars  

00:58:26.520 --> 00:58:31.620

there are some Scholars who are doing this get 

some data and get some hypothesis and test those  

00:58:31.620 --> 00:58:36.900

hypothesis and then get the result this is very 

positive this is kind of very positive Paradigm  

00:58:36.900 --> 00:58:45.120

on doing these in previous studies positivist 

you mean yeah positive I'll lose a lot of those  

00:58:45.120 --> 00:58:51.960

nuances about this about the details there right 

right although my study is like that as well but  

00:58:51.960 --> 00:58:57.840

I know that's my disadvantage right I tried I 

try to avoid that although sometimes most of the  

00:58:57.840 --> 00:59:03.600

time I cannot avoid them but I'm conscious 

about my my limitation here uh so I think  

00:59:03.600 --> 00:59:09.960

um I think the journal uh and other Scholars 

need to be more generous and be more patient  

00:59:10.500 --> 00:59:16.620

uh by generous I mean even in this 

distributed study if it is case study if  

00:59:16.620 --> 00:59:21.480

if it is evidence I think evidence is also 

important if you have evidence to support  

00:59:22.620 --> 00:59:29.220

um and just to to to to to uh disclose 

those kind of nuances those contexts  

00:59:29.220 --> 00:59:36.360

is more important than run those hypothesis 

testing and get all those Stars significance  

00:59:37.320 --> 00:59:43.620

that that that's that's too too simplified so I 

think um if the the general agency needs to be  

00:59:43.620 --> 00:59:48.120

more kind of more generous on this point and also 

you need to be cautious as well because sometimes  

00:59:48.120 --> 00:59:54.000

if we don't have evidence everyone everyone 

can talk about it right like I see uh I see  

00:59:54.000 --> 01:00:00.780

I read a I read a paper I read an article uh a 

conceptual article uh I say oh this is characters  

01:00:00.780 --> 01:00:06.300

are very convincing then I see some comments under 

underneath everyone can talk about it because you  

01:00:06.300 --> 01:00:12.900

don't have data but if I have a data look this is 

what data say right so your alternative hypothesis  

01:00:12.900 --> 01:00:18.000

your alternative assumption does not understand 

or even 80 stand is just a marginal it's a kind  

01:00:18.000 --> 01:00:22.200

of a marginal position so I think this is data 

if you don't have data I don't have an empirical  

01:00:22.200 --> 01:00:28.920

kind of a data uh everyone can talk about it and 

you cannot distinguish distinguine which one is  

01:00:28.920 --> 01:00:38.820

than the others yeah right right so so what you 

are saying is um is using mix assets is kind of  

01:00:38.820 --> 01:00:46.860

the way to go more appropriate you know one is 

you do hypotheses testing and the other one I  

01:00:46.860 --> 01:00:54.780

I like the way you build your typology and then 

use case studies to illustrate the typology rather  

01:00:54.780 --> 01:01:05.220

than just use simply use data to do certain type 

of hypotheses testing so that's good um um let  

01:01:05.220 --> 01:01:15.120

me um run some questions from the practitioner's 

side so here is a question from Marina candonas in  

01:01:15.120 --> 01:01:24.060

China donate to projects and programs outside 

of China for example give non-profits outside  

01:01:24.060 --> 01:01:31.800

of China as a way to collaborate in global 

projects and programs to solve World challenges  

01:01:33.780 --> 01:01:41.280

the answer is yes and there is a kind of a 

movement uh try to try to do that but it is not a  

01:01:42.540 --> 01:01:46.500

I know a lot of Foundations are trying 

to go to the go to Africa right they're  

01:01:46.500 --> 01:01:50.820

trying to support them and also 

the you know the uh project hope  

01:01:51.900 --> 01:01:57.060

they try to develop an African version of 

project Hope by the Chinese Youth Foundation the  

01:01:57.060 --> 01:02:05.220

xionguchan however that doesn't go so goes very 

far from uh from planning and only I think there's  

01:02:05.220 --> 01:02:12.060

only minor uh non-prominations of doing that I'm 

not saying there's no donation to it there are  

01:02:12.060 --> 01:02:20.520

some of the Nations doing that but very minor 

and uh the uh trans kind of a translation money  

01:02:20.520 --> 01:02:28.620

flow is controlled Financial flow is also control 

like in China it's uh we we you cannot transfer  

01:02:28.620 --> 01:02:36.960

money from maybe to US Dollars uh freely right so 

every people individuals have five I think it's  

01:02:36.960 --> 01:02:45.600

uh uh 50 South 50 000 US Dollars equivalent 

uh per year so you can for each individual  

01:02:45.600 --> 01:02:49.620

person you can only transfer that for the for 

the company of a number of nations there must  

01:02:49.620 --> 01:02:54.360

be some kind of restrictions as well but it's not 

very popular you can do but it's not very popular  

01:02:55.980 --> 01:03:03.180

yeah talking about transferring of funds like 

out of China how about private donors donating to  

01:03:03.180 --> 01:03:12.360

organizations I mean to non-profits within China 

um so your talk kind of shed lights on um the  

01:03:12.360 --> 01:03:23.640

the book interlocking relations in the non-profit 

sector now would the private donor donate money to  

01:03:23.640 --> 01:03:30.960

their own like slash money to Their Own Foundation 

or to larger foundations or to smaller non-profits  

01:03:31.860 --> 01:03:41.040

how how to how does like say for example if 

there is a donor who wants to to donate like  

01:03:41.040 --> 01:03:49.800

what would be the uh mechanisms for them to 

donate to a range of different non-profits  

01:03:50.460 --> 01:03:56.580

yeah are you talking about an overseas non-profits 

or no no within China within China yeah yeah  

01:03:58.200 --> 01:04:03.780

um I'm at first I'm not I'm not a wealthy uh I'm 

not a rich person here so I don't have that kind  

01:04:03.780 --> 01:04:11.160

of first-hand experience um uh but secondly uh 

from the information I know about is they have  

01:04:11.160 --> 01:04:16.200

their own channels giving out and they have some 

of them they have their own foundations as well  

01:04:16.200 --> 01:04:22.800

and sometimes when they say do when they say 

we said about a donation it's really uh matter  

01:04:22.800 --> 01:04:28.380

what what they are donating right so when we talk 

about donation we probably are donating out our  

01:04:28.380 --> 01:04:34.320

kind of personal wealth that's our personal money 

right some of them are donating their stock stocks  

01:04:35.400 --> 01:04:39.120

um all kinds of assets they are donating 

their assets instead of their personal  

01:04:39.120 --> 01:04:47.580

wealth or wealth so it's a really uh it's a 

really uh complicated but uh I was it's more  

01:04:47.580 --> 01:04:52.500

like a wealth management project instead 

of just like our average citizen to giving  

01:04:52.500 --> 01:05:00.660

out yeah well well thank you I I think 

I have a lot of questions chance to but

01:05:00.660 --> 01:05:11.520

In the interest of time, we are going to close 

and so thank you so much again for participating  

01:05:11.520 --> 01:05:19.920

in today's event and the event is organized 

by UCLA Asia Pacific Center and I was sent to  

01:05:19.920 --> 01:05:26.520

organize a range of public events workshops and 

international conferences and we will have our  

01:05:26.520 --> 01:05:33.000

training workshop on June 8th and the training 

Workshop is in the afternoon and we would have a  

01:05:33.000 --> 01:05:42.180

panel discussion in the first one hour and a half 

and then a closed session for the students in the  

01:05:42.180 --> 01:05:50.880

workshop. So I hope that you would also zoom in 

on our panel discussion our panel discussion would  

01:05:50.880 --> 01:05:58.620

include first-generation and second-generation 

philanthropists, as well as non-profit practice  

01:05:58.620 --> 01:06:09.720

listeners, talking about you know the importance 

of giving and also the importance of philanthropic  

01:06:09.720 --> 01:06:16.920

work in the community at the community level. So 

please visit our website for specifics and also  

01:06:16.920 --> 01:06:24.300

watch out for our email announcement please join 

me to thank Professor Ma again for his insightful  

01:06:24.300 --> 01:06:30.720

and informative lecture. I also want to thank 

the Cyrus Tang Foundation for their support  

01:06:31.440 --> 01:06:40.680

as well as thanking our Center's Deputy Director 

Aaron Miller, Program Coordinator Jeannie Chen,  

01:06:40.680 --> 01:06:49.020

Graduate Student Fellow Lina Wang, and 

Undergraduate Student Assistant Lillian Shen  

01:06:49.020 --> 01:06:56.400

for their hard work and support behind us. And 

thank you so much and good evening, good morning  

01:06:56.400 --> 01:07:07.020

thank you very much. Do you want to stay on a 

bit, I think Marina wants to say hello right yeah.

Published: Thursday, May 11, 2023